Help logging in

Please use your IT Services user name and password - not your email address, an example username is: smithj32. For information about obtaining these please see the ITS Student Registration Page. Staff log in using their IT Services user name and Universe password.

Help with using Solar is available once you have logged in.
In case of difficulty, please try one of the tested browsers listed below.


Nova is a new web application which allows you to check your Assessments and to print your cover sheets.

Standards Compliance

Solar has been designed to be web standards compliant and should work with any recent browser or screen reader. In November 2006 Solar was subjected to a full compliance test and has been additionally tested with the following browsers: We are aware that some staff reports are currently not fully standards compliant, however they do display correctly in the browsers tested. Please contact us if you are having any difficulties accessing our pages.

Please note that we cannot guarantee that any pages external to Solar, which might be linked to from this site, are standards compliant or accessible.